How to sanitize portable X-ray equipment
1. How to sanitize portable X-ray equipment
When chest X-rays are performed on bed-ridden patients, some important considerations to reduce mobile X-ray machine contamination are:
- Two radiographers should perform chest X-rays
- The same mobile machine should be used on all COVID-19 patients
- Use a transparent waterproof/protective cover to protect the X-ray tube and the cassette/plate.
Sanitization should include the following procedures:
- The radiographer moves the X-ray machine to the filter area and proceeds to sanitise it starting from the X-ray tube and going down to the entire stand
- They subsequently sanitise the generator body paying particular attention to the selection keys
- Eventually, they sanitise the wheels and cable.
Additional recommendations include:
- Using a different clean cloth for each part of the equipment
- Using (preferably) ethanol 75%, or the disinfectant suggested by the manufacturer to sanitize surfaces1
- Diluted bleach solution (6mg Chlorine releasing disinfectant tablet to 1000ml of water) may be used to wipe down the machine
- Do not use concentrated corrosive or toxic substances (check the label on the container)
- If spray dispensers are used, they should not be pointed towards fissures or joints (especially nearby electrical components). If the disinfectant enters any fissures, it may damage internal components
- To avoid any drop enters underneath the surface of the equipment, wet cloths should not be soaked.
Sanitization process timing:
- The length of the sanitizing process is variable depending on the product used for cleaning
- Alcohol-based products are preferred because they evaporate in a short time
- The whole surface should be evenly treated.
Special attention should be used when handling portable X-ray tubes of materials are classified as “hard non-porous”. Application times may differ according to the different products used for sanitization.
Low or intermediate level disinfectants, such as iodophor germicidal detergent solution, ethyl alcohol (ethanol 75%) or isopropyl alcohol, can be used to disinfect equipment surface at the end of each examination performed on suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patient. User manuals of equipment manufacturers state the disinfectant products and procedures that can be used to avoid possible functional damage of equipment.2